Thursday, September 14, 2017

Entry 1: Introduction

Written on September 10,

As I write this I am huddling 530 miles per hour over the pacific on a destination I could have never even dreamt God would take me. Seeing with faith and not my eyes has brought me more adventure and joy I could have ever imagined. I'm going to South Korea for one reason, Jesus Christ. The one who suffered and bore the sins of those undeserving of his love. His incomprehensible love made my heart of stone a heart of flesh. I thank God for every breath and every step I take. I thank God for all the suffering I have gone through to bring me into his light. Two years ago I did not not think for one second I would ever consider myself a Christian again, but God had a much bigger plan for me. 

I want to thank the faithful people of God that God has used to help and encouraged me to come to this point. I want to thank all that have been praying for me it really means a lot. To those who have helped me financially thank you, my desire is that every penny will be used for Gods glory.

I plan to update on this page when I can for all my supporters.

Thank you


  1. My heart is full of joy to hear your heart and all the lord has done! I love you. Brendan!

  2. Looking forward to more updates about this faith walk and training mission! In reading what you shared, I'm questioning what was going on with you a couple years ago where you seemed to not feel as though you and God were close anymore? Maybe, if you're up for sharing and led to do so, this will be the inspiration for your next blog. Remember we overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony... And He may use what you share to inspire, encourage, challenge others who are His or who are being pursued by His love! May God bless and keep you, make His face shine upon you, be gracious and give you peace!
