Sunday, October 29, 2017

Entry 2: Christ Is Our Cornerstone

My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus' blood and righteousness
I dare not trust the sweetest frame
But wholly trust in Jesus' name

Christ alone; cornerstone
Weak made strong; in the Saviour's love
Through the storm, He is Lord
Lord of all

Christ is our cornerstone, he is the immutable truth we all stand on as christians. He is something that absolutely no one can take away from us. As I have been in Korea I have come to realize that no matter the background, personality or past all christians stand on the same cornerstone. Our lives have been changed by rebuilding the structure of our being to glorify the unchanging absolute truth that is Jesus Christ. Becoming friends with people that grew up in a completely different culture and background and seeing them produce the same fruits that you see from people on the other side of the world who have committed their life to christ is so surreal. This has opened my eyes to God's consistency in shepherding his flock. The fellowship with people that are the same age as me and share a passion to grow to know and understand God has really rocked my world. I have grown so much from the hours of conversations I have had with the friends I have made here. And It's all because we stand on the same truth. I have attached a video of my classmates at a christian radio station singing cornerstone by hillsong united back at the beginning of october. They sing in three different different languages. This moment has really spoke to me because it has opened my eyes to the beauty of the diversity and unity that comes in christian fellowship. For those that are wondering I have been doing really good, classes have been awesome and I am learning so much everyday. It seems that I building friendships here that will last a lifetime. Everyone here is so real and transparent, they seem to really have a heart out for God. I honestly thank God so much for each person that is here. Thank you for all your prayers, I will continue to grow and do my best for God’s glory.

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